Italian troops entered Addis Ababa yesterday afternoon. In Rome a mass demonstration was called, and Mussolini, in a short speech to the crowd, announced Italy╒s intention to annex Ethiopia in the phrase ╥Ethiopia is Italian.╙ He said this ╥Roman peace╙ was ╥final and irrevocable.╙ Opening his speech, Mussolini announced:╤
Marshal Badoglio telegraphs to-day:
May 5, at 4 p.m., I entered Addis Ababa at the head of the victorious troops. (Tremendous cheers.)
╥During the thirty centuries of her history Italy has lived many memorable hours. This is certainly the most solemn. I announce to the world that the war is finished and peace re-established.
╥It is necessary I should add that it is our peace╤a Roman peace╤which is expressed in these terms, the final and definite terms, ╘Ethiopia is Italian.╒ The people of the Lion of Judah have shown clearly that they wish to live under the tutelage of the Italian people.
╥I gave an undertaking that I would not disturb the peace of Europe. I have maintained that undertaking. I am more than ever convinced that to disturb the peace of Europe is to cause the downfall of civilisation. But I may immediately add that we are ready to defend our shining victory with the same impressive determination with which we won it.╙